In this episode, I chat with Jordan Campbell, your friendly neighbourhood coach, about:
– Finding 10 minutes in your day for professional and personal development
– The importance of this holistic approach
– Doing “extroverted” things as an introvert.
Where to find Jordan:
30 Lessons in 30 Days Challenge:
Episode Transcript
Hello and welcome to The Daring to Succeed podcast. I’m joined by Jordan Campbell, your friendly neighborhood, career and confidence coach. He helps professionals gain clarity on their career choices, build standout resumes and land jobs with increased salaries and benefits. Welcome to the podcast, Jordan.
Thank you so much for having me.
Yeah, it’s my pleasure. So I always start off with the same question for our guests. Do you consider yourself more of an introvert, extrovert, or a bit of both?
So I think personally, other people might say differently, but I think I’m a bit of both leaning more towards the introverted side because when you kind of think about introvert and extrovert, we kind of go to like two far sides of the spectrum so that people think introverted or like people are at home under the covers, quiet, you don’t talk. And then people think extroverted is like you’re on stage or you’re like dancing on a bar and you’re being loud. Whereas I think of it as more I’m introverted in the fact that I love being at home, like, you know, watching TV, being able to recharge my social battery. But I really also do enjoy those kind of smaller gatherings. Not like a thousand people, but like a few close friends or maybe we go out to have fun. It just depends. And then obviously the social battery. So I’m gonna say a little bit of both, but I lean towards the more introverted side.
Yeah. And I love this question because everyone’s interpretation of introversion and extroversion has its own little flavor. So, I’d love how you framed it for our audience. And just so we can get to know a little bit about your personality. So you are currently offering this amazing 30 lessons in 30 days challenge. Can you tell us a little bit about the challenge and why you created it?
Yes. So I recently turned 30, so yay, woo.
And happy almo. Happy belated birthday.
Yes, belated. So I recently turned 30 and I wanted to do something business wise for it. And I thought, okay, I’m searching around. I’m like, people always do the, like, you know, in their twenties they’re like the 20 lessons I learned in my twenties. And so I was like, let me do the 30 lessons I learned in my thirties, but I wanted to bring it back to helping people really professionally and personally. So the 30 lessons in 30 Days challenge is basically me giving, they’re about 10 minutes-ish, give or take 10 minute lessons every day on both professional and personal. So you have things like, you know how to actually stand out at work even if you’re introverted, right? You have things of maybe a little bit more personal, which I have a quick lesson on finance, like what I’ve learned, like I’m not a finance guru, but just being a human being and you know.
All the things that I’ve learned in, in my lifetime about finances, just being regular, you know, regular Joe Schmo, that person not, you know, in the finance world. And then I have things as simple as self-care, right? Things that I do. I’m not super self-care. I don’t have a 6:00 AM morning routine, but just simple things I do in the morning to like stay a little bit grounded on the hustle and bustle to work. So these 30 lessons combined are just things that I wanted to share and things that I think we kind of take for granted when as we’re kind of moving through life, going super quickly. You know, everyone’s got something to do, somewhere to be, but maybe take 10 minutes, sit, listen to it on the road. Like I love listening to podcasts while I’m driving and just listen to it and kind of get inspired. So that’s kind of, that’s why I put it together.
I really love that. And I love how you didn’t focus just on your career with these lessons because I talk to so many career coaches that they’re so focused on the career side that sometimes we lose sight, that there’s all these other little pieces that kind of bring in and compliment each other. So I really love how you’ve designed it.
I appreciate it. It’s really the way I approach career coaching. It’s very holistically. So I guess you could say there’s a little woowoo in there where we talk about, where we talk about, it’s not just, you know, the resume stuff is fine, the interview prep, like our nerd out on all that tech technical stuff. But I really enjoy also helping with the mindset. So for example, a lot of people they won’t apply to, especially, you know, especially as women won’t apply to jobs because we don’t meet, you know, 95% of the criteria. Now that might be something that maybe your listeners and your audience is like, well, yeah, you know, I’ve heard that statistic before. But if you really take a step back and maybe especially again, especially if you’re a woman, take a step back. Look at how many opportunities you told yourself no, instead of letting someone else tell you no. And so even though you know the statistic, are you still part of it, right? Because we can know something but still be a part of it. So just little things like that is where I was like, you know what, we really have to be very intentional. That’s the word, intentional about these small things in our lives and air. They’re therefore 30 lessons, small bite-sized lessons in 30 days.
Yeah. And sometimes it’s just that little nudge, that little reminder we need that, Hey, are you kind of filtering yourself out or are you doing all the things you need to take care of yourself on your way to work? Or in the morning, like you said, awesome and I’m sure this will be hard because I’m sure there’s so many amazing lessons you have to share, but is there maybe one standout lesson or one little tidbit that you wanted to share with our listeners? Especially the introverted ones from your 30 lessons?
Yes. So actually briefly mentioned it, this is the one that I learned, and this lesson has been learned over years. So, I’m bringing you guys the real good stuff.
As an introvert, I’m gonna break it up in two. So one, most people aren’t looking at you. We have this like, yeah, weird thing about ourselves where we feel like we’re the center of the universe. That promise not as many people are looking at you as you think they are. And so therefore one you can be yourself, right? Because again, not as many people as you think are looking at you. So whatever you think is weird or outdated or whatever that is, be your weird introvert, outdated self, it’s fine. And then part two of that is I’ve learned as an introvert that I have to be, or I have to make the extroverted ways work for me. So like for example, as a recruiter, right? I have to go out and speak to people. Now, me in stages, nah, I don’t really care. I can do it, but I’m like, that’s where my introvertedness comes out. But me and small groups of people, I love to do that. So like me in like, for example, like my group coaching, I love that because it’s such a smaller, intimate like type of group. And people that come to the sessions and things that is where not only do am I able to quote unquote shine, but other people in the room are able to shine. So that two parter is one, a lot of people probably aren’t looking at you. If you think they’re looking at you, probably one is even if they’re halfway paying attention. And then two, you have to make the extroverted ways of the world work for you. So if you have, like, if you have to go out on stages, if you have to do those things, make it work for you, make the stages smaller, get comfortable with more one-on-one talk. So, if you are sitting on that, you know, extreme side of introvertedness, you have to make it work for you. So that’s kind of two parter lesson.
Yeah. And I love that example of if you have to be on stage, you make it a smaller stage because then you’re still on stage, but you’re controlling your environment so that it’s one that you’re a little bit more comfortable with, one that you can really shine.
Amazing. Exactly. And it’s even, even things like that. Yeah. Even doing a podcast, right? Most of the people would be like, oh, I can’t do a podcast. But if you do it, if you do one, you can do two. If you do 2, 3, 4, it’s practice, it’s a muscle. So even though I might sound like, oh, I’m extroverted, I am after this, I’m gonna go finish filming, I’m gonna go watch a movie.
It’s practice.
Yeah, for sure. Well, I cannot wait to see the other 29 lessons in your 30 day lessons. I’m sure there’s so amazing that’s based on the little bit that you shared with us today. And I guess before we wrap up, is there anything else you wanted to share? Where can people find you and where they can they find the challenge,
Right. So, I’m gonna make sure that she has all of the links, but first I wanna say, if you feel like, oh no, I missed the first day. This challenge is evergreen. So whenever you click on a start, it’ll start up for you. And with these challenges I want you to learn, but I also want you to implement. So along with e every day, every lesson comes with actionable tips that you can do right then and there. They, they take no more than some take two minutes, some might take 30 minutes, but they’re actionable tips. So I want you to actually take an action because LinkedIn is great, better. And then you all can find me on Instagram at Boss Life in Progress. And then you can find me on LinkedIn under my name Jordan Campbell and Instagram. And LinkedIn is really where I hang out. I also have a YouTube channel, which is Boss Life in Progress or Jordan Campbell. If you search either one, you’ll be able to find it, but I’ll make sure all the links are here. So thank you guys for having me. I appreciate it.
Awesome. Thanks so much, Jordan. Yeah, I’ll be sure to grab all those links for you so that I can drop them in the show notes for everyone because I’m sure they’ll want to check out everything. This was so much fun. Thank you so much for joining us on the podcast today.
Thank you for having me. I’m really excited about this coming out
Bye now.